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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Yes... You Can Buy a Scooter From Me - Wherever You Are

I'm not sure if I've ever said this, I thought I had, but maybe I wasn't clear. You can email me or comment to let me know you need a scooter or powerchair, a lift, or anything else we sell. Yes, as I said in the previous post I am moving to the west coast, and yes, I'm taking a brief hiatus from selling to the VA's but based on a conversation I had a day or two ago, I am going to continue working with Rascal and selling to VA's in the LA area.
But that aside, in the past, I have sold a scooter to a friend of my mother when I was living in NYS and he was in Buena Park, Calif. He called and said he needed one, I asked him if he could go online to ? He said he couldn't, so I mailed him a brochure, called in a couple days and he bought a 600T three wheel scooter by credit card.
The VA div. asked a rep in Calif. to deliver the scooter and do the training. My mothers friend was so pleased that a couple years later he bought a second scooter, a 600F four wheeler for his girl friend, at the time he was in his 80's she was 76. Unfortunately he bought the second one from an inhome rep not from me. He appologized later, when I asked why, they called him from Rascal to follow up, I guess he mentioned wanting another one and they sent a rep out the next day.
My point being that I can and have sold equipment by telephone. If I can do it for my mothers friend, I can do it for you. If you need something, and can go online, or not, contact me and I can help you, even while I'm moving. Although I may not be checking my email or this blog every day, I will contact you ASAP. So whether or not you're a veteran, (if you are contact the VA first, before even thinking about buying yourself), I can and will help you get your own Rascal. We accept Cash, major credit cards, insurance, and offer financing.

Lee Murray

Sunday, December 12, 2010

On Temporary Hiatus as of the end of December '10

As I make the move from New York State back to California. I moved back here in '92 figuring to be here a year or two,  and here it is 2010 and I'm still here. I tell my friends that NY is like quicksand, easy to get in, hard to get out. But due to personal illness, family problems, and a growing hatred of the winters and cold snowy weather, it's finally time to make the move back. Better late than never. Of course part of the reason I've stayed so long is that I was lucky enough to begin working with Rascal, so far staying with them 13 years, actually I'm in the 13th now. In sales it's rare to find an honest company, a company with a good product, a company with an attitude that the customer is important, an attitude that the salesperson is important. Most I've worked for have one or two going for them, but most also consider the sales people a necessary evil, which I'm happy to say Rascal doesn't, at least not often. Not to mention that the money was too good to leave for a long time, of course that came to a screeching halt in the last couple years, so for many reasons I'm going home.
Yes I was born here, and grew up about 20-25 miles away, but then we moved to Fullerton, CA and ever since, that's been my home town.
The good news is that I may be able to continue working with Rascal in Calif., I may be able to work with some of the VA hospitals in the Los Angeles area. So with luck I'll continue, the new contract will give us the 3 wheel scooters to sell the VA's and it'll be a gold mine out there.  We'll see, right now I have to wind things up here, get moved, find an office or warehouse, and then we'll see...

Lee Murray