They both were on the phone this am, he said she needs a scooter because she has MS (Multiple Sclerosis) and while she still has good days and bad days, she is finding it increasingly difficult to walk more than a few steps, and has moved from a cane to crutches. Which she said are becoming more difficult and painful to use. But she said she doesn't think she needs a scooter or chair. She's fine in the house, and using their lawn tractor, or a John Deere Gator to get around outside, and says they work fine.
MS can be very, very bad, when I first started working with the Canandaigua, NY, VA. I went to see a veteran that lived in Canandaigua about a new three wheel scooter. He was in his early fifties as I remember, had MS and was unable to walk at all, riding his Rascals 24/7 for something like 20 years. It breaks your heart to see it. I never realized how many sick people there are until I started this job. But he had his life, house, van, all oriented around being on the scooter. He had his life under control.
As it turned out the VA got him a new scooter but the larger seat he hated. They'd ordered a 20" seat do to his size, but he'd been using what we call a Tempress seat that is 18". He insisted on another Tempress seat because the arms, which had been reinforced, made it easier to transfer on and off the scooter, and being narrower helped keep his legs together. He had, due to no muscular control in his legs, what the therapists informally called frog legs, and he liked this seat because he didn't need to use a strap to keep his legs together. We made him a new Tempress with even better reinforced arms, but since the old one was still good, the VA kept the new one as a spare for him.
A couple years ago, they got him a Rascal powerchair, with a tilt n space seating system. Much against his will, because he was still using the same Rascal scooter and the Tempress seat and saw no need to change. He agreed to try the powerchair mostly to make the therapist happy, but only if he could keep his scooter too. Unfortunately, the powerchair ultimately went to another veteran, as he had passed away, just before I delivered the chair to him.
As it turned out this am, this guy that saw the blog, and his wife are only in their fifties, and live on a farm about twenty miles away over toward Cortland. After we'd talked about an hour his wife said if I'll bring a scooter out there she'll take a look. She started to change her mind, I think, when I told her that it would make shopping, eating out, and visiting friends easier. She can take it with her when she travels, and can't take the lawn tractor or Gator. Anyway we'll see when I get there.
Lee Murray
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